navy zig

Monday, June 1, 2015

9 Months!

Our little man is 9 months old today!  And we took lots of pictures :) 


  We can hardly believe it.  3/4 of a year already.  It seems to have gone super fast and taken forever at the same time.  Brian and I have our 9 month Dr. appointment tomorrow, so we will get to see his height and weight and see how he has been doing these LAST SIX WEEKS without his feeding tube.  GO BUDDY!! 


Brian has been on and off his oxygen for the past two weeks.  The pulminologist gave us the OK to take him off during the day (well, really I called and told his nurse this is what I'm doing...) and to keep the oxygen on at night.  Our little buddy does great with all of his numbers that we watch, but when the oxygen is off he is much more tired and doesn't seem to eat as well.  I did a few trial days back on oxygen full time...and that stinker ate much better and wasn't nearly as crabby come night time.  It seems right now he can either breathe with out oxygen or eat/gain weight.  Our priority is definitely the eating, so back on the oxygen went.  I'll update the Dr on all of this tomorrow.  Mom's all over it, baby!

This boy loves his bath time!  We have now moved the tub upstairs to the "big boy" tub because he splashed too much,  I had to mop after every bath! 

Brian and his girlfriend.  :)  Someday when they're 12 pictures like this will be very funny!  And Carl is starting early with his future beer drinking buddy.  Brian got to smell all the beers at his dad's tasting night.  


We have been having so much fun with our sweet baby.  He is becoming so much more interactive! Brian is "talking" and has a few different voices.  I keep trying to catch on video his funny deep/scratchy throat sound that seems to be his favorite lately but every time I try he just stops and smiles!  We even ventured out to Costco as a family and ate dinner at the food court.  That was a big deal for us!  Brian has now been to Target and Joann's as well, I'm pretty sure Joann's was his favorite place ever.  I took him out and was holding him and he started laughing looking at all the colorful fabrics.  Babies can be so fun!  

I think I figured out how to add videos! 

Life is definitely getting better day by day for our little family.  Brian is still much more work than an average baby.  We have twice daily meds/nebulizer treatments and I need to pack his little oxygen tank and a backup anytime we go anywhere, but at least we can leave the house now! Brian sure  helps by eating better and smiling all the time.  

Our next few weeks are going to be great.  Carl's mom is coming into town this weekend to visit and hang out with the boys while I work and then the following weekend we are heading up to Michigan to visit my family for 11 whole days!  Well, just Brian and I - Carl will head back during the week to work.  It's going to be wonderful.  Summer is here!  


  1. Awww!! I think he looks like you in a few of those pictures!!!

  2. I love reading your updates! The pictures are just adorable! I could look at his sweet little smile all day. Praying that his Dr. appointment went well today. Miss you guys!

  3. Love seeing that baby boy! He is so handsome! Have a wonderful time in Michigan.

  4. The giggling and talking are adorable!

  5. AWW! That video of him giggling at you is the best!!! He sure loves his momma!

  6. His giggles are the best! Oh my word! And I agree w Rachel, I keep seeing pics here and there that look like you!
